Inakshi gastro groupInna Popereshniuk and Yevhen Klopotenko
We open Ukraine through food!
our projects

Yevhen Klopotenko
Co-owner and brand chief of the Inakshi Gastro Group
Laureate of 50 NEXT – a list of professionals who are changing the future of gastronomy, from the international ranking of the world’s best restaurants The World’s 50 Best Restaurants (2021)
The author of the most popular culinary website in Ukraine
The author of numerous cookbooks, including 'Tempted by Food. 70 Recipes You’ll Want to Make', 'Tempted by Food with Ukrainian Flavors', 'Holiday Meals and Borscht and Accouterments'
Ideologist of the CultFood project which goal is to improve the nutrition culture
The initiator of including borscht in the UNESCO heritage list
Previously, our restaurants coexisted with all other projects quite autonomously. Although, the business is developing, and lots of new ideas and directions appear. It is like a tree that grows and becomes larger day by day. One of the first steps to success is to unite all branches – businesses – under one crown. We will be present wherever food is. This is a challenge for me — to try to change the whole food industry. I used to think that this could be done through YouTube, social networks, or books... But I realized it wasn't enough. As long as people do not eat quality food permanently, their preferences and habits will not change.

Inna Popereshniuk
Co-owner of Inakshi Gastro Group
Co-founder of Nova Posta
Brand ambassador of New Run Kyiv marathon
Founder of the project for orphans Komanda Charivnykiv
She is the owner of such titles as Top-100 Influential Women of Ukraine according to Focus Magazine (2016) and Top-100 Successful Women of Ukraine according to New Time Magazine (2018)
The owner of the order Beregynya Ukrainy (Keeper of Ukraine), etc.
The gastro-group that we share with Yevhen will turn 6 years soon. It's hard work where we should keep in mind every smallest detail: every guest, every dish, every product collected on the farm, and, of course, every team member. We believe in the power of teamwork and creativity. I will always remember how we started. The restaurant 100 rokiv tomu vpered was our first project. It has became the basis for our holding. Today it is perhaps the most popular restaurant of high Ukrainian cuisine in Ukraine and, therefore, in the world. I'm proud of us! The secret of our success is in the brilliant tandem of an entrepreneur and a chef both of whom have a burning passion for Ukrainian cuisine. As we grow, we stay true to our values and ideas.
restaurant 100 rokiv tomu vpered
For years, our team has been studying recipes and cooking traditions that were used in Ukrainian cuisine for generations. We preserved these traditions of our ancestors and complemented them with some modern details.
Heart of Poltava region in Kyiv Poltava
Here it is - Poltava city in the historical center of Kyiv, on Arsenalna Street. During our expedition, it turned out that Poltava is literally one of the most culinary interesting regions of Ukraine. So, our bistro is a manifesto of this. This region is unique and really authentic. Together with the team, we have a big goal to create a modern gastronomical brand — Poltava.

bistro Inshi
Inshi is a bistro of everyday Ukrainian cuisine. We combine Ukrainian products both in traditional and modern ways.
The menu of Inshi is constantly changing except for the borscht that always remains there.
bar-farm Inshi
The farm and the bar work in symbiosis. The spirit of our farm can be found in every corner of the bar. This is what is special about Inshi - the presence of local Ukrainian products in every cocktail, in every drink.

franchise Іnshi-beetroot
Beetroot is the world's first franchise focused on casual Ukrainian dining in bistro format. We’ve created a franchise to make Ukrainian cuisine recognisable and known all over the world. We’re offering you the chance to use our founders’ expertise in the field of Ukrainian gastronomy, their success in managing a network with a thousand variables and a hundred partners, and backed everything up with a powerful team.

сorporate catering Kacha kasha
We cook the best Ukrainian everyday dishes for employees of large companies throughout Ukraine.